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Iniciado por olafo, Noviembre 18, 2007, 09:31:08 PM

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"Evidence linking Disc1 gene to mental illness builds"

Animal studies add weight to the view than an important gene for brain development plays a role in diseases such as schizophrenia and depression

Science,  Nov 2007, Vol 318, 1062-63

Un saludo


Está interesante la cosa. Lo que es un poco descorazonador es el final. Este hallazgo apoya la idea de que la esquizofrenia es una enfermedad del cerebro y que puede ser estudiada de la misma manera que las enfermedades degenerativas... Como si hubiera habido algún avance terapéutico al respecto.


Sin acceso al texto es dificil opinar, pero me interesa saber sobre quí¨ animales se ha hecho la experimentadcón y bajo qué criterios diagnosticos se ha considerado que esos animales padecen esquizofrenia o depresión.


Cita de: Bilán en Noviembre 18, 2007, 10:06:18 PM
Sin acceso al texto es dificil opinar, pero me interesa saber sobre quí¨ animales se ha hecho la experimentadcón y bajo qué criterios diagnosticos se ha considerado que esos animales padecen esquizofrenia o depresión.

Pues te lo iba a colgar, pero aparentemente ha desaparecido la opción de subir ficheros adjuntos.


Lo encontré, pero supera el lí­mite de tamaño.

Te lo cuelgo en el you send it.



PNAS | November 13, 2007 | vol. 104 | no. 46 | 18280-18285
Specific developmental disruption of disrupted-in-schizophrenia-1 function results in schizophrenia-related phenotypes in mice

Weidong Li*,,,, Yu Zhou*,,,, J. David Jentsch,, Robert A. M. Brown*,,,, Xiaoli Tian¶, Dan Ehninger*,,,, William Hennah||, Leena Peltonen||, Jouko Lí¶nnqvist**, Matti O. Huttunen**, Jaakko Kaprio**, Joshua T. Trachtenberg*,, Alcino J. Silva*,,,,, and Tyrone D. Cannon,,

*Department of Neurobiology, Semel Institute, Department of Psychology, Brain Research Institute, and ¶Department of Urology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095; and ||Department of Molecular Medicine, Biomedicum, and **Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute, 00251, Helsinki, Finland

Edited by Richard F. Thompson, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, and approved September 14, 2007 (received for review July 23, 2007)

Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) was initially discovered through a balanced translocation (1;11)(q42.1;q14.3) that results in loss of the C terminus of the DISC1 protein, a region that is thought to play an important role in brain development. Here, we use an inducible and reversible transgenic system to demonstrate that early postnatal, but not adult induction, of a C-terminal portion of DISC1 in mice results in a cluster of schizophrenia-related phenotypes, including reduced hippocampal dendritic complexity, depressive-like traits, abnormal spatial working memory, and reduced sociability. Accordingly, we report that individuals in a discordant twin sample with a DISC1 haplotype, associating with schizophrenia as well as working memory impairments and reduced gray matter density, were more likely to show deficits in sociability than those without the haplotype. Our findings demonstrate that alterations in DISC1 function during brain development contribute to schizophrenia pathogenesis.

Un saludo



Rev-erb, a Heme Sensor That Coordinates Metabolic and Circadian Pathways

Science 2007 Vol. 318. no. 5857, pp. 1786 - 1789

Un saludo


BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR: Human Genetic Variation

Equipped with faster, cheaper technologies for sequencing DNA and assessing variation in genomes on scales ranging from one to millions of bases, researchers are finding out how truly different we are from one another

Science 21 December 2007:Vol. 318. no. 5858, pp. 1842 - 1843



A Comprehensive Phylogeny of Beetles Reveals the Evolutionary Origins of a Superradiation

Beetles represent almost one-fourth of all described species, and knowledge about their relationships and evolution adds to our understanding of biodiversity. We performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Coleoptera inferred from three genes and nearly 1900 species, representing more than 80% of the world's recognized beetle families. We defined basal relationships in the Polyphaga supergroup, which contains over 300,000 species, and established five families as the earliest branching lineages. By dating the phylogeny, we found that the success of beetles is explained neither by exceptional net diversification rates nor by a predominant role of herbivory and the Cretaceous rise of angiosperms. Instead, the pre-Cretaceous origin of more than 100 present-day lineages suggests that beetle species richness is due to high survival of lineages and sustained diversification in a variety of niches

Science 21 December 2007:Vol. 318. no. 5858, pp. 1913 - 1916

Un saludo


Cientí­ficos alteran la orientación sexual de las moscas enganchándolas al alcohol

El artí­culo:

Por si a alguien interesa la revista, es de open access:

Un saludo


Cita de: olafo en Enero 03, 2008, 09:31:59 AM

Cientí­ficos alteran la orientación sexual de las moscas enganchándolas al alcohol

Ya están tardando en meter un grupo de escarabajos en un barco y dejarlos una larga temporada en alta mar, a ver qué pasa.
Tú no tienes convicciones porque tú eres de Málaga


Cita de: olafo en Enero 03, 2008, 09:31:59 AM
Cientí­ficos alteran la orientación sexual de las moscas enganchándolas al alcohol

Algún genio se le ocurrió al darse cuenta q las posibilidades d terminar entre los brazos d cualquier guarra son directamente proporcionales a la cantidad de alcohol q tengas en sangre. Algún colega ya se ha llevado alguna sorpresa sin necesidad d moscas ni d un lab.


Cita de: qaz en Enero 03, 2008, 12:46:02 PM
Cita de: olafo en Enero 03, 2008, 09:31:59 AM
Cientí­ficos alteran la orientación sexual de las moscas enganchándolas al alcohol

Algún genio se le ocurrió al darse cuenta q las posibilidades d terminar entre los brazos d cualquier guarra son directamente proporcionales a la cantidad de alcohol q tengas en sangre. Algún colega ya se ha llevado alguna sorpresa sin necesidad d moscas ni d un lab.

Recurring Ethanol Exposure Induces Disinhibited Courtship in Drosophila

Alcohol has a strong causal relationship with sexual arousal and disinhibited sexual behavior in humans; however, the physiological support for this notion is largely lacking and thus a suitable animal model to address this issue is instrumental. We investigated the effect of ethanol on sexual behavior in Drosophila. Wild-type males typically court females but not males; however, upon daily administration of ethanol, they exhibited active intermale courtship, which represents a novel type of behavioral disinhibition. The ethanol-treated males also developed behavioral sensitization, a form of plasticity associated with addiction, since their intermale courtship activity was progressively increased with additional ethanol experience. We identified three components crucial for the ethanol-induced courtship disinhibition: the transcription factor regulating male sex behavior Fruitless, the ABC guanine/tryptophan transporter White and the neuromodulator dopamine. fruitless mutant males normally display conspicuous intermale courtship; however, their courtship activity was not enhanced under ethanol. Likewise, white males showed negligible ethanol-induced intermale courtship, which was not only reinstated but also augmented by transgenic White expression. Moreover, inhibition of dopamine neurotransmission during ethanol exposure dramatically decreased ethanol-induced intermale courtship. Chronic ethanol exposure also affected a male's sexual behavior toward females: it enhanced sexual arousal but reduced sexual performance. These findings provide novel insights into the physiological effects of ethanol on sexual behavior and behavioral plasticity.

Busquense las diferencias entre el titular de "El Mundo" y el tí­tulo del artí­culo original, luego hágase lo mismo entre el artí­culo de "El Mundo" y el abstract del artí­culo.

Un saludo

Marianito Gafotas

No se por qué, esto me recuerda al viejo chiste de Eugenio, que concluí­a diciendo que cuando a las arañas se les quitan todas las patas, se vuelven sordas...