Disfunción eréctil submarina.

Iniciado por Warm, Mayo 10, 2013, 08:36:45 AM

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Britain's nuclear submarine engineers use software that was designed in Russia and Belarus, in contravention of Ministry of Defence rules, The Telegraph can reveal:

The software should have been created by UK-based staff with security clearance, but its design was partially outsourced to developers in Siberia and Minsk, the capital of Belarus. There are fears that the code built by the Russian and Belarussian developers could be exploited to reveal the location of Britain's submarines. The Telegraph understands that the MoD considered the security breach a serious threat to UK defence and launched an investigation.

The inquiry discovered that the firm that outsourced the work (no dicen THE FIRM, porque, y es mi bzz, solo puede ser British Aerospaece, BAe, la joya de la corona, y la pela es la pela, exporta miles de millones, y la joya no se toca, hamigos...) – on a staff intranet (la red de entretenimiento en castellano, como no hay conexión con el exterior, la de ver porno de la base de datos -y escribir e-mails de menos de 200 palabras para enviar en un pack cuando se rompa su perficie con, digamos, la satcom) for nuclear submarine engineers – to Russia and Belarus initially kept it secret and discussed whether it could disguise where the workers were based by giving them fake names of dead British people.

As well as the UK's submarine fleet, there are fears that further defence capabilities could have been compromised because it has emerged that a previous project was also outsourced to developers in Minsk.

National security in jeopardy

On Friday, experts warned that the UK's national security could have been jeopardised if personal details of those with classified knowledge of Britain's nuclear submarine fleet fell into the wrong hands, leaving them exposed to blackmail or targeted attacks.

Ben Wallace, the former defence secretary, said the breach "potentially left us vulnerable to the undermining of our national security". He added: "Time and time again, countries like China and Russia have targeted the supply chains of our defence contractors. This is not a new phenomenon."

James Cartlidge, the shadow defence secretary (de los tories, por tanto, ahora ellos no tuvieron nada que ver con subcontratar barato por el mundo, jajajaja(, said it was an "absolute imperative" to ensure "ou!!!ur most sensitive defence programmes have total resilience and security". Rolls-Royce Submarines, which powers the UK's nuclear submarine fleet on behalf of the Royal Navy, wanted to upgrade its staff intranet and had subcontracted the work to WM Reply, a digital consultancy firm.

WM Reply then used developers based in Belarus – Russia's closest ally – one of whom was actually working from home in Tomsk, Siberia (en realidad en Omsk, está mal escrito, no sé si aposta... es la entrada natural a Siberia Central desde China, por río), according to documents submitted to the MoD's inquiry.
Quitame la mierda, haz favor (con esos ojillos tan bonitos que a Pavel Ahla` le'jha daado)


Quitame la mierda, haz favor (con esos ojillos tan bonitos que a Pavel Ahla` le'jha daado)