Andróidpago (Android, gadgets y poco sexo)

Iniciado por myeu, Octubre 03, 2010, 12:01:41 PM

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Que coño ha pasado con huawei y Google?
Cuando deseas una cosa con mucha fuerza, al final te comes una mierda


Movimiento en la partida de ajedrez USA vs. China


Si, pero la msmonada esta como me afecta a mi que tengo un huawei
Cuando deseas una cosa con mucha fuerza, al final te comes una mierda


Sobre eso tengo que dejar paso a los usuarios, pues yo no tengo ningún smartphone de ninguna marca ni he tenido nunca.


Precisamente para el cumple del peque quería regalarle una tarjeta Google play para que se descargue juegos. Estoy harto de juguetes voluminosos que al final terminan ocupando espacio. Bueno, pues ahora me llegan con estas.
Cuando deseas una cosa con mucha fuerza, al final te comes una mierda


En realidad esto va del 5G, el espionaje y la decadencia yanqui.


Yo siempre me acuerdo del nos comen los japoneses y como acabó aquello.


Cita de: Tio Patillah en Mayo 20, 2019, 09:25:02 PM
En realidad esto va del 5G, el espionaje y la decadencia yanqui.

Aquí el patillas dando en el clavo


Cita de: k98k en Mayo 20, 2019, 09:27:36 PM
Yo siempre me acuerdo del nos comen los japoneses y como acabó aquello.

del singing morning in inglés de HK:

A Chinese court has sentenced a Japanese man convicted of spying to 15 years in prison, Sino-Japanese sources revealed on Monday. The man, in his 50s, was also fined 100,000 yuan (about US$14,500) by the court in Hainan province for having illegally obtained state secrets, analysed them and disseminated them abroad, they said. Since 2015, at least nine Japanese people have been charged in China for alleged involvement in spying activities, and this marks the seventh time a court has delivered a verdict.
The man, a director of a hot spring development consultant company in Dalian in Liaoning province, was detained in 2017 along with five other Japanese nationals while assisting in geological assessments of potential sites in Hainan and Shandong provinces.
Two of the six were formally arrested later that year accused of violating anti-espionage and national security laws, according to local media reports, while the other four were allowed to return to Japan.
The authorities had reportedly retrieved a large amount of classified information, including nearly 80 copies of maps, from the pair's computers and other electronic devices.
Of the two who were arrested, the other man, in his 70s, was sentenced last Friday to 5½ years of imprisonment by a court in Shandong.
The issue of the Japanese detainees in China was raised at the summit level when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Beijing in October 2017 and stated that the Japanese government was not engaged in spying activities in the country."

...por otra parte, hace ¡quince años!, el CNI dio charlas multitudinarias a técnicos del astillero y, lo único  que saque en claro es que pos power point los traducen de los del BND o BDN, uno de los dos, al menos en aquel tiempo, y que de todos los que nos podían meter un virus o una putarranca por el culo, los más probables eran los suecos (el SAPO) y los japoneses (no me acuerdo, llamémosle el RANO, en honor a D.P.)


Mucho me estaba descojonando yo con el tema con los del curro cuando me he dado cuenta de que el de mi mujer es ello.


Pues si se ponen a precio de derribo y se arregla metiéndole una ROM adecuada la elección está clara


Cita de: PP2000 en Mayo 20, 2019, 10:51:38 PM
Cita de: k98k en Mayo 20, 2019, 09:27:36 PM
Yo siempre me acuerdo del nos comen los japoneses y como acabó aquello.

del singing morning in inglés de HK:

A Chinese court has sentenced a Japanese man convicted of spying to 15 years in prison, Sino-Japanese sources revealed on Monday. The man, in his 50s, was also fined 100,000 yuan (about US$14,500) by the court in Hainan province for having illegally obtained state secrets, analysed them and disseminated them abroad, they said. Since 2015, at least nine Japanese people have been charged in China for alleged involvement in spying activities, and this marks the seventh time a court has delivered a verdict.
The man, a director of a hot spring development consultant company in Dalian in Liaoning province, was detained in 2017 along with five other Japanese nationals while assisting in geological assessments of potential sites in Hainan and Shandong provinces.
Two of the six were formally arrested later that year accused of violating anti-espionage and national security laws, according to local media reports, while the other four were allowed to return to Japan.
The authorities had reportedly retrieved a large amount of classified information, including nearly 80 copies of maps, from the pair's computers and other electronic devices.
Of the two who were arrested, the other man, in his 70s, was sentenced last Friday to 5½ years of imprisonment by a court in Shandong.
The issue of the Japanese detainees in China was raised at the summit level when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Beijing in October 2017 and stated that the Japanese government was not engaged in spying activities in the country."

...por otra parte, hace ¡quince años!, el CNI dio charlas multitudinarias a técnicos del astillero y, lo único  que saque en claro es que pos power point los traducen de los del BND o BDN, uno de los dos, al menos en aquel tiempo, y que de todos los que nos podían meter un virus o una putarranca por el culo, los más probables eran los suecos (el SAPO) y los japoneses (no me acuerdo, llamémosle el RANO, en honor a D.P.)

Ya volvemos de la playa, mi mujer está muy contenta y yo estoy agobiao y con el culo lleno arena


Running is life. Anything before or after is just waiting


No queréis PAs, no queréis PAs...y mira cómo acabáis, en medio de una trifulca por un quítame allá esos datos de usuarios.


A los PA's ya les llegará su turno, ya.
Running is life. Anything before or after is just waiting