Da pein is Spain

Iniciado por NubeBlanca, Enero 20, 2009, 12:44:20 PM

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Pero hablando de lo que habla el sr. Krugman (según la wikipedia existe) que no menciona el paro, by the way, he aquí­ una respuesta que le dan que podrí­a ser mia, pero no lo es, la mia esta todaví­a aguardando moderación:

Spain has EUR 1.8 trillion of household and corporate debt and EUR 400 billion of public sector debt for a grand total of slightly over 2 times GDP. at 37% of GDP Government debt is not the problem and any domestic bank will pile on as Goverment has 0 risk weighting and there is a nice carry trade. S{P downgraded the Kingdom’s rating just as Fitch and Moodys affirmed AAA ratings. What do they know anyway. Corpaarte debt service is 1% of GDP the lowest it has been in 20 years. So we are left with mortgage debt, unlike a US contract mortgage debt is full recourse so tough to walk away from the problem. House prices in Spain have kept up with nominal GDP growth since the trough in 1994. So hardly the kind of bubble that you saw in Orange or Dade counties. 75% of the economy is in services but it is true that manufacturing productivity needs to improve. In the interim the rapidly aging European population would rather retire in Spain than in Florida because of free health care. The banking system is well reserved, unlike say Germany’s or the USs and the population keeps growing. I don’t know waht Sp is waiting for to cut teh German rating their own analysis is that after several years of crisis Spain’s debt to GDP ratio will still be lower than Germany’s today and that country has just started bailing their banks which are in dire shape and has already entered a recession in 2008.

â€" Luis Arenzana

Parece que los mohicanos somos mas de uno despues de todo.


Cita de: Felipillo en Enero 21, 2009, 08:06:54 PM
â€" Luis Arenzana[/i]

Parece que los mohicanos somos mas de uno despues de todo.

Y según el facebook, éste en concreto es amigo de Jaime Marichalar.


Y mio. Yo soy uno de los Von Bismark.

Tiene un barco y es gestor de hedge funds.


Y con dos grados de separación se llega a Alejandra Conde.

Cuyo padre está ahora como una regadera tras la muerte de su mujer. se le puede ver dando una conferencia en la que se parece a Crixto.